Action Ridge General Meeting June 12, 2024

General Meeting

June 14, 2024

The group watched “Shame of Chicago – Part IV”.


The episode focused on redlining in the 50s and 60s and thesystematic involvement of realtors and banks, enabled by the FHA. Also profiledwas a group of interracial middle-class homeowners in the Austin neighborhoodswho were all, in different ways, targets of unethical real estate practiceslike blockbusting. The group, led by Gale Cincotta, fought back to ultimately shepherdthe Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and Community Reinvestment Act into federallaw.


After the viewing, the attendees discussed how the practicesshown in the video still are present today in covert discrimination and in thesequelae of lost wealth in the Black community.


The group also discussed actionable remedies to theseinjustices. Ideas included reparations, voting, and spreading the word to makepeople more aware of the issue.