Action Ridge Vote Committee ~ Meeting Minutes

Voting & Elections

April 20, 2024

November 6, 2023, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Mary Fontaine, Judy Fregetto, Noreen Gayford, Joan Bludeau LaVelle, Arlene Levin, Jackie McNeilly, Karen Nelson, Chris Parson, Karen Reid, Mira Schreiber, Joan Tanaka  

1.         Introductions of committee members. Karen Reid will co-lead the committee with Chris Parson 

2.         Committee will focus on local high schools keeping in mind deputy registrar closing dates of                       2/20/2024 for primary and 10/8/2024 for the presidential election.   

  1. HS students who qualify for November 5 election can vote in the primary even though they are not 18 by March 19.   
  2. Mary Fontaine, Arlene Levin and Karen Reid will work on paper announcements and small business-card size cards for the upcoming election that can be distributed or hung up in HS’s CCRC and other locations.  
  3. Sign up sheet at registrations can have choices on how students would like follow-up information: phone, text, email, Instagram, SnapChat.   
  4. Follow-up information can include important dates, where to find candidate information, online resources, deadlines, ways to vote. 
  5. The high schools’ 30-minute long advisory period may be a good time to register students, or set up tables in the common areas or classrooms where students can come during their free time.   
  6. The following list includes high schools and person who will contact principal and/or social science department chair to arrange voter registration dates before the primary deputy registrar cut-off dates on 2/20/2024.  Late January would be a good suggested time period for the registrations.  Front-loading information and establishing relationships with teachers and staff is important to a successful registration. Prepare for the registration by informing students to bring appropriate ID’s, know the last 4-digits of their social security number and possibly bring their computers to register online.   

a.  Maine South - Christine Perrille and Karen Reid 

b.  Maine East - Joan Tanaka 

c.  Maine West - Judy Fregetto 

d.  (possible) Von Steuben - Ulla Sivertsen 

  1. Graduation gown pick up was also discussed as a good time to register students which is usually in May. 

3.         GOTV activities for primaries and November elections tabled until next meeting. 

4.         Next meeting will be Monday, December 11, 2023