Affordable Housing Advocacy Group Meeting Minutes

Affordable Housing

April 20, 2024

Date: March 26, 2024

Location of meeting:  Via Zoom

Time meeting was called to order: 7:02pm

Attendees:  Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Kathy Rolsing, Melani Kaplan, Jeanne Wells, Kate Kerin, Marilyn Novak, Lori Snelson

  1. Housing Plan
    1. Draft Housing Plan was approved with no changes. Second Reading likely 4/15.
    1. Summary of short discussion at the City Council meeting on 3/20
      1. There was no introduction of the Plan, no discussion by Council, and only 1 public comment by Kristin. This did not seem appropriate for a “Public Hearing”.
      1. Alderperson Moran asked how the various incentives in the Plan would be prioritized and how to ensure that it would not “sit on the shelf”. He also asked that it be added to the City’s Strategic Plan.
    1. Monitor City Council/COW agendas for any Housing Plan discussions/actions
    1. Monitor PZC agendas for any Housing Plan discussions/actions

Members made a commitment to write to their Alderperson requesting that action be taken to implement the Plan and to include the public in some way.  Additionally, to thank Alderperson Moran for his comments.

There was a short discussion of legislation for zoning reform on a state-wide basis to remove some of the barriers in creating multifamily housing, such as parking requirements, minimum lot sizes, height restrictions, etc.  Should we approach our state legislators and if so, what is the ask?

The focus may shift to PZC and the Comp Plan as they may be asked to work on parts of the Housing Plan.

There was discussion about a 3 prong approach to reach out to local, state, and federal legislators about possible zoning reforms or other ways to increase AH.  What should the area(s) of focus be?

  1. Action Ridge meeting 4/10 The next general meeting will include a roundtable discussion to revitalize AR and come up with a succession plan. We will start advertising next week in a way to encourage new people to attend as well as to discuss the future direction & leadership needs of Action Ridge. We will be sending out a survey to all of AR focused on some questions to explore how we can get more participation in leadership and meetings.