Affordable Housing Advocacy Group Meeting Minutes April 30th

Affordable Housing

May 8, 2024

Date: April 30, 2024

Location of meeting:  Via Zoom

Time meeting was called to order: 7:04pm

Attendees:  Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Melani Kaplan, KateKerin, Marilyn Novak

1)    Housing Plan - Implementation

Kristincontacted Drew Awsumb , however no response yet.  She will follow up.  Those that have written to City Councilmembers will share with this group to serve as examples.  We will monitor City Council and PZC Agendasfor housing-related issues/discussions and follow up with our Alderpersons tokeep implementation of the Plan in front of them.  A possible senior housing development at 819Busse is on the PZC Agenda on May 28th.

2)    Comprehensive Plan

Thedevelopers of 29 and 31 S Fairview (Reign Capital) lots presented a (onlyslightly) revised version of their proposal for over 100 units to PZC.  Public comment and commissioner comments waslargely against that much density.  Therewere comments about wanting “million dollar condos to attract the right peoplesuch as CEOs.”  Kristin intends to attendthe next PZC meeting to advocate for affordable housing to be included in anydevelopment.  If they use the PUDprocess, they have to provide a “public benefit” for any variances requested.

Thecity changed the zoning from B-2 to B-4 for 36 and 40 Prairie, Reign Capitalalso has option to buy these lots, to make development easier.  The lots will conform with others aroundthem.  Those still zoned B-1 or B-2 willalso be targeted to change to B-4, either at the owner’s or city’s request.

3)   Reach out tolocal, state, and federal legislators about possible zoning reforms or otherways to increase AH.

Kristin will reach out to the LWV State Boardto see if we can find out what state housing initiatives are being consideredby the legislature and who is sponsoring the legislation so we can besupportive.

4)   Upcoming Events –We will not include these going forward as Action Ridge has a weekly updateemail that goes out to all members.


a)    Action Ridge meeting 5/8  we willfocus on the WTTW docu-series called "The Shame of Chicago". The series is an exposé of the ways in which segregation was painfully broughtabout and is maintained in the Chicago area.  It was created by BruceOrenstein, a long-time friend of Action Ridge. The first episode of the series airedon Public Television on April 18th at 9:00 p.m.  We’ll watch a preview of the series on5/8.  Even if you haven’t watched all 3 episodes, you can take partin the discussion. The 4th episode airs on Thursday, 5/9 the nightafter our meeting.

b)   District64 Information Meetings  SchoolDistrict 64 has been looking at a Master Facilities Plan and haveidentified areas where safety, security, health, critical infrastructure,and, in some cases, classrooms are not meeting current and futureneeds.  The School Board will make a decision later this summer aboutwhich path to take forward.  To be transparent about the needs,various events are being hosted for the community to learn more. Those can be found here:

c)    AbortionRights Election Postcard Party 5/4  Ifyou are looking for a way to support women's right to choose, pleasejoin the Election House Party as part of's 2024 electionprogram.  It's at Bradley home in Park Ridge, IL on Saturday, May 4 at12:30 PM.  RSVP here to get the specific address:

d)   BookDiscussion Group - 5/13 The books are in at ReaderServices. Come join us to discuss the book, "Hotel on the Corner of Bitterand Sweet", a historical novel by Jamie Ford. "Set during one of themost conflicted and volatile times in American history - the internment of AmericanJapanese families during World War II". We will be meeting in the basementparlor of the Park Ridge Community Church at 7:00 pm on Monday, May 13th. We'reexcited to have Linda Kawano join us to share some of her paternalgrandparents' experience during this terrible time and how it has affected herfamily. If you have any questions, contact Karen Banks-Lubicz at or847 924-0457.

5)    Time meeting adjourned:  8:02 pm.

6)     The next meeting will be Wednesday, 6/5 at 7:oopm on Zoom