Affordable Housing Advocacy Group Meeting Minutes August 14, 2024

Affordable Housing

September 30, 2024

1) Housing Plan - Implementation

Drew Awsumb responded to Kristin’s letter to the City Manager, stating that the first step to

implementation is for Council to choose one or two of the actions listed in the Plan to

further study. This step needs to be placed on a COW Agenda. Kristin will read/paraphrase

her letter to the City Manager calling for action on this at the 8/19 City Council meeting to

express the urgency of getting started with implementation.

There was a presentation by the City Attorney at the 8/13 PZC meeting about PUDs and the

Public Benefit requirement in the zoning code. The attorney made it clear that anyone can

apply for a PUD if they think that the PUD process will result in a better project than under

the regular zoning code. As far as a public benefit, the question is what do the citizens want

to enhance the community? Alderperson Steinfels relayed that the City Council P&R

Committee has put a placeholder in their issues list for a financial tool to capture any funds

from developers that might go towards a public benefit. It would be creating a new

accounting code in the city’s financials and the rules around how that money would be held

and what it could be spent on. For example, if the city decides to collect tear down fees or

fees-in-lieu for AH units it could be deposited and accounted for and spent on creating AH

or other public enhancements such as murals.

We will continue to monitor City Council and PZC Agendas for housing-related


The developer for the Fairview lots has withdrawn his PUD application and will likely plan to

build by right, following the existing codes. Thus he no longer has to provide a public


The larger project under consideration by PZC, in discussion stages only, is for 36 and 40

Prairie (site of the Farmers Market and the parking lot across the street from it). The

proposal here is for over 100 units. It is expected to come back for discussion or formal

application in the future.

2) Comprehensive Plan

No recent discussions on the Comprehensive Plan by the PZC.

3) Reach out to local, state, and federal legislators about possible zoning reforms or other

ways to increase AH.

4) Time meeting adjourned: 7:30 pm.

5) The next meeting will be Tuesday,