April 20, 2024
Location of meeting: Via Zoom
Time meeting was called to order: 7:00pm
Attendees: Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Marilyn Novak, Jeanne Wells, Melani Kaplan, Beverly Copeland, Bob Burkhart, Mary Elsner
There was a discussion about meeting with elected and appointed officials and what is allowable under the Open Meetings Act. If one or two people meet with an official to discuss general issues and policies such as housing, it should be ok as long as there is no specific discussion about an item before the commission or council. There may be some meetings scheduled with the purpose of providing educational resources and information.
Nan plans to read her letter referencing DEI issues at the 9/6/22 City Council meeting. Points include: DEI training for city staff; statement that Park Ridge is an open and welcoming community; there is a need for more AH.
The group discussed the 2 fact sheets, one with general facts about AH and one more specific to Park Ridge. Both will be used. Kristin will work on shortening and formatting the information. These can be distributed to the public and to city officials as part of an education process.
Action Ridge does not have a formal mechanism to back a “consensus” position but can and does offer educational resources.