Affordable Housing Advocacy Group Meeting Minutes ~ July 11, 2022

Affordable Housing

April 20, 2024

Date: July 11, 2022

Location of meeting:  Via Zoom

Time meeting was called to order: 7:04pm

Attendees:  Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Kathy Rosling, Marilyn Novak, Jeanne Wells

  1. City moving very slowly on Comp Plan and Housing Plan.
    1. City confirmed that the Community Survey is not related to the Comprehensive Plan.  Drew Awsumb said on 6/17 that the Comp Plan is in a “holding pattern”.  At PZC meeting 6/28, Claudia Hampel said Drew is still working on creating the stakeholder survey
    1. Due to lack of action or communication about the Comp Plan or a Housing Plan, Kristin will email Drew Awsumb and request a meeting to inquire about any timeline, progress, etc.
