Affordable Housing Advocacy Group Meeting Minutes June 18, 2024

Affordable Housing

September 30, 2024

Date: June 18, 2024

Location of meeting: Via Zoom

Time meeting was called to order: 7:04pm

Attendees: Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Lori Snelson, Jeanne Wells, Kathy Rolsing

1) Housing Plan - Implementation

Kristin spoke with Drew Awsumb on May 28 th, and he advised her to contact the City

Manager regarding implementation of the Housing Plan. Kristin will write to the City

Manager requesting information relating to the Housing Plan, such as who is accountable

for implementation and what is the timeline.

Committee members will continue to follow up with their alderpeople regarding

implementation of the Housing Plan and requesting status reports at City Council meetings.

We will monitor City Council and PZC Agendas for housing-related issues/discussions. A n

age-restricted senior housing development at 819 Busse Avenue that will include 3

affordable units was approved by the PZC on May 28 th and the City Council on June 17 th .

PZC heard cases for development at 29 and 31 S. Fairview and 116 S Prospect. The Fairview

development has reduced the number of residential units to 6 from 12. This project was

mis-identified in the Minutes from our April 30 th meeting as the proposed project for 36 and

40 Prairie Avenue. The Prospect property is very small and includes only 1 residential unit.

Generally, if the project has less than 10 units it would be exempt from including affordable


The larger project under consideration by PZC, in discussion stages only, is for 36 and 40

Prairie (site of the Farmers Market and the parking lot across the street from it). The

proposal here is for over 100 units. It is expected to come back for discussion or formal

application in the future.

2) Comprehensive Plan

No recent discussions on the Comprehensive Plan by the PZC

3) Reach out to local, state, and federal legislators about possible zoning reforms or other

ways to increase AH.

Mare Ralph from Housing Action Illinois reached out to Nan to talk about the AHPAA

and Park Ridge’s new Housing Plan. Kristin and Nan will meet with them on 6/20 and

report back at our next committee meeting.

4) Time meeting adjourned: 7:50 pm.

5) The next meeting will be Wednesday, 8/14 at 7:oopm on Zoom