Affordable Housing Advocacy Group Meeting Minutes ~ May 12, 2022

Affordable Housing

April 20, 2024

Date: May 12, 2022

Location of meeting:  Via Zoom

Time meeting was called to order: 7:00pm

Attendees:  Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Kathy Rosling, Karen Banks-Lubicz, Kate Kerin, Jen Panattoni

We all introduced ourselves as we have a new member, Jen Panattoni.  She asked if we had language or talking points used to communicate with others about affordable housing.  Kristin will send her the petition we developed and other information on affordable housing.  We discussed the need for a “one pager” of talking points.

Agenda Items:

  1. Drew Awsumb’s presentation to City Council on 5/5 on an Affordable Housing Plan
    1. Gave council a memo created by one of the city attorneys that describes the mandated Housing Plan. (Memo and presentation are available in the city archives on the meetings page of the city website)
    1. There were questions from council members about updating the number of affordable units in Park Ridge as maybe we are at or above 10%.  IHDA will not be updating the numbers until 2023, and we have to go by the 8% number determined in 2018 when they last updated.  A plan should be filed by the end of the year.
    1. The city will get started by bringing in the Metropolitan Mayor’s Caucus to function as a consultant to update data and advise as to how other nearby communities have addressed a shortage of affordable housing in their plans.  They will present to council either 5/16 or 5/23
    1. It is not clear whether council or PZC will be drafting the Housing Plan.  Kristin will check in with the City Manager about that.

Time Meeting Adjourned:  8:25pm                                                         

Next Meeting Date:  Monday, June 6th at 7:00pm via Zoom