Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes ~ 6.2.21

Affordable Housing

April 20, 2024

Location of meeting:  Via Zoom

Time meeting was called to order: 7:00pm

Kristin and Nan thanked those that signed the public comment drafted by Nan Parson and submitted to  City Council calling for inclusion, respect, and equity .  There were over 130 signatures gathered in just a few days.  Kristin and Nan met with new alderman Harmony Harrington to discuss ways to include affordable housing in the Comprehensive Plan.

The former Park Ridge Community Preservation and Development Director, Jim Brown, spoke to the group about the Comprehensive Plan and what actions the group might take to ensure that the preservation and creation of affordable housing is included in the Comp Plan.  Jim made the following points and suggestions:

Time Meeting Adjourned:  @8:30pm

Next Meeting Date:  June 23rd AT 7:00pm via Zoom