April 20, 2024
Location of meeting: Via Zoom
Time meeting was called to order: 7:00pm
Attendees: Kristin Berg, Nan Parson, Kathy Rosling, Marilyn Novak, Jeanne Wells, Ginger Pennington, Karen Banks-Lubicz
1) a retired circuit judge or retired appellate judge, who shall act as chairperson;
(2) a zoning board of appeals member;
(3) a planning board member;
(4) a mayor or municipal council or board member;
(5) a county board member;
(6) an affordable housing developer; and
(7) an affordable housing advocate
Agenda Items:
There was a discussion about the Toolkit and whether or not it would be useful to complete for educational and persuasive purposes. The completed document (or parts of it) could be given/presented to appointed and elected officials, as well as presented to groups of interested citizens. Ginger already started a draft and will share it as a google document with the group. Tasks involved in completing the Toolkit were split up as follows:
Other areas of research might include the construction of LGH, MS High School, multifamily properties in PR (and the annexation of areas that contain multifamily properties).
The information can be shared on the google document. Step 3 involves deciding on an advocacy focus, which will likely be ensuring that PR puts an AH Plan in place, creates some infrastructure, and dedicates resources for its implementation.
Time Meeting Adjourned: @8:20pm
Next Meeting Date: September 1st at 7:00pm via Zoom