Action Ridge General Meeting January 8, 2025 Meeting Minutes

General Meeting

January 24, 2025

Action Ridge Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2025

Meeting started at 7:05 PM

2025 Slate of Officers

Liz Swanson, Action Ridge Vice Chairman, gave a briefintroduction of Action Ridge’s history and By Laws and the requirement forvoting on an annual slate of leaders. Kate Kerin, Membership Chair, presentedthe 2025 slate of candidates (see below). Chris Parson made a motion to accept the slate of candidates aspresented and close the nominations. Kristin Berg seconded the motion. Themotion was passed unanimously.

Succession Planning

Leadership has met multiple times to plan for the successionof current roles, focusing on improving efficiency and responsiveness to theneeds of the community and beyond. As part of these efforts, recent adjustmentshave been made, including transitioning the AR email updates from weekly tobi-monthly and shifting leadership meetings from a monthly to (approximately) anevery-other-month schedule. These changes aim to streamline processes whilemaintaining the effectiveness of ongoing initiatives.

Expense Report and Review becoming 501c3 or 501c4

The group discussed the possibility of formalizing itsstructure by becoming a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization. This change wouldprovide the ability to fundraise and potentially establish membership dues,enabling greater financial stability. These funds could support guest speakers,events, and other expenses necessary to advance the group’s mission andinitiatives.  Kathy Rolsing, Sharon andKate Kerin volunteered research options and will report back at a futuremeeting.


Updates from Areas of Interest:

Affordable Housing:

Kristin Berg gave the following report:

The Committee’s focus in 2024 was to have input on thestate-required PR Housing Plan approved by City Council in April.  A secondary focus was the Comprehensive Plan,specifically the Uptown Master Plan, currently in the approval process.  We took action by meeting with cityofficials, writing letters, and making public comments to City Council andPZC.  We also commented on residentialdevelopment projects at PZC meetings, advocating for projects to include AHunits, esp PUDs that must include a public benefit (making 20% of the units AHper current zoning if variances are requested).

Our HousingPlan priorities:















Criminal Justice and Policing

Alissa Goldwasser gave the following report:

2024 was a quieter year in regard to youth issues in ParkRidge. We have a new Police Chief and he has been busy in his new role. There hasnot been as much interaction with him as there was with our former policechief.

The Township continues to offer Peer Jury as an alternativeto police intervention.  Action Ridge isstill encouraging the use of Restorative Practices.  In the future the work with the Townshipcould be renewed.

She would appreciate additional support for this team to attendCity Council meetings and track monthly police incident reports. Please reachout to Alissa if you would like more information.


Valerie Halston gave the following report:

On November 5, the District 64 2024 Bond Referendum passedoverwhelmingly, with 64% of voters approving the $89.1 million referendum.  The district will begin using the money tomake improvements immediately.  The nextstep for Action Ridge is to connect with Superintendent Ben Collins aboutmaking a DEI plan for the district.  

Environment/ Sustainability

Jeanne Wells gave the following report:

Jeanne and Tim Milburn monitor and share information in theAction Ridge emails relevant to sustainability and the environment. Go Green,Green Drinks and SWANCC are all good sources of information.

Action Ridge will have a booth again this year at the ParkDist. Earth Day celebration.  There are alsoanother Solar Tour and Sustainable Yard events planned for 2025.

Gender Justice

Kathrn Statz has graciously agreed to take the lead, andLeah Zalinski is part of the team.  Sheis looking for additional volunteers for this team.

The Action Ridge Gender Justice area of interest is taskedwith focus upon the following areas:

Educate and inform our community about topics related to therights of all genders of people.  

Ensure we use our voices to name and eradicate sex andgender-based discrimination, harassment, and exploitation in our community andwhere applicable, on a larger scale.  

Communicate policies, incentives and programs that may haveapplications to support gender justice in Park Ridge.  

Collaborate with others to ensure a standing voice on genderrights with Park Ridge elected officials, staff and commissions.

Gun Violence Prevention

Karina’s Law was passed on 1/7/2025. This legislation requiresguns to be removed from the home of an accused abuser when their FOID card hasbeen revoked after their victim is granted an order of protection in a domesticviolence case.  It is awaiting Gov.Pritzker’s signature.

Action Ridge is participating in the Institute forNon-Violence Chicago Martin Luther King Jr. day event; Embrace on Jan. 11, 2025from 10:00am - 1:00pm.  The time togetherwill include speakers, lunch and participants will be invited to participate ina collaborative art installation facilitated by a local artist.  The paintings will highlight themes ofconnection, equity, and healing. If you're interested in carpooling from ParkRidge contact or (847) 924- 0457

Voting and Elections

The Voting and Elections Team is planning to hold Candidateforums for the local elections on April 1st.  A planning meeting is scheduled for TuesdayJan 14th at 7PM.  More information,including dates will be distributed in upcoming emails. Volunteers are neededfor this effort. Please contact Chris Parson ( or KarenReid (

Book Discussion

The group will meet on 1/20 in the basement parlor of thePark Ridge Community Church at 7:00 pm to discuss "I'm Sorry for MyLoss:  An Urgent Examination ofReproductive care in America", by Rebecca Little (Park Ridge resident) andColleen Long Copies are available on the 2nd floor of the library at ReaderServices desk.   For more informationcontact Karen Banks-Lubicz at 847 924-0457 or


Attendees who are new to Action Ridge shared that they cameto learn about Action Ridge but also to be with like-minded people who sharetheir values.  Two newcomers expressed aninterest in helping with the Policing and Criminal Justice area and with theGender Justice team.  Nan expressedappreciation for the interest and enthusiasm of these individuals!


Upcoming Meetings:

February 13th--Ed Spire, from NorthwestSuburban Organization for Action/ Indivisible—The topic will be--What policiescan we expect from the new administration and what will be the effects of thosepolicies?

March 6th and 11th—Candidateforums--City and School Board candidates

April 9th Speakers: Sean O’Leary and CindyGrau,  The topic will be--How Can WeAdapt to Climate Change?




Name Email Position

Nan Parson Chair

Liz Swanson Vice Chair

Kate Kerin Membership

Jane Curry Membership

Marilyn Novak Membership


Karen Banks-Lubicz

Judy Fregetto

Alissa Goldwasser

Kate Kerin

Kathy Rolsing


Name Email Position

Nan Parson Coordinator

Liz Swanson Internal Communication

Jackie McNeilly External Communication: Website Manager, Instagram, PRCCNewsletter, and flyers

Joan Tanaka External Communication: Website Manager, Instagram, PRCCNewsletter, and flyers

Linda Ritts Facebook Manager

Jane Curry External Communication: Press Releases


Name Email Areas

Kristin Berg Affordable Housing

Nan Parson Affordable Housing

Valerie Halston Education

Tim Milburn Environment/ Sustainability

Jeanne Wells Environment/Sustainability

Karen Banks-Lubicz Gun Violence Prevention

Alissa Goldwasser Policing/Criminal Justice

Chris Parson Voting/Elections

Pat Lofthouse Ranked Choice Voting

Karen Yee Reid Voting/Elections

Karen Banks-Lubicz Discussion Group

Kathryn Statz Gender Justice

Leah Zalinski Gender Justice


Meeting adjourned 8:51 PM

Respectfully submitted, Kate Kerin and Nan Parson