Meeting January 10, 2019

General Meeting

April 30, 2024

Agenda for the Action Ridge MeetingJanuary 10, 2019The Park Ridge Community Church 7:00 PM7:00-7:45—Presentation by Kathleen Sances, CEO of G-PAC, the Political Action Committee to reduce gun violence. Kathleen will explain G-PAC ‘s work and detail how Action Ridge can get involved.7:45-8:15—Discussion regarding PAC’s that fund local political campaigns, led by Pat Lofthouse and Jeanne Wells8:15-8:30—

  1. Update on the condition of our dedicated social justice warrior, Jody Baty--the Caring Bridge

Link will be shared.

  1. Recent information regarding the Women’s March on January 19th. Shall we plan a group excursion?

8:30-9:00—Plans for future meetings:

  1. Follow-up on discussion regarding White Privilege, possible work with the Institute for NonViolence who may lead a discussion group and/or participation in an “Unpacking your Knapsack” activity.
  2. Plans for the upcoming local elections on April 2nd. Shall we support certain candidates? We’ll explore ways to participate with LWVPR.