Meeting Minutes ~ 10.6.21

General Meeting

April 20, 2024

Action Ridge Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2021

Park Ridge Community Church and via Zoom

Meeting began at 7:08pm

Review of Action Ridge Restructuring

Nan Parson talked about the new structure of Action Ridge and the process for developing it. A Work-in-Progress (WIP) group met several times over the summer to design a leadership structure that was more defined and sustainable. As the founders, Nan and Liz have shouldered a large burden of the work. Going forward, there will be more people to share the load and succession mechanisms will facilitate people moving in and out of positions.

Liz Swanson discussed how a nominating committee will put together a slate of proposed officers each October and present the nominees to the group for a vote the following January. Each officer will serve a one-year term and can serve up to four consecutive terms.

There will be five officer positions. The following slate of candidates will be voted upon at the January 2022 meeting:

Chair – Nan Parson

Vice-Chair – Liz Swanson

Secretary – Alissa Goldwasser

Communication Coordinator – Nan Parson, supported by individuals assigned to various email and social media channels

Membership – Kate Kerin

Nan can provide descriptions of each of these roles upon request to

In addition to the executive team, Nan presented the initial list of committees, each representing an Action Ridge interest area. Each of the committee heads briefly discussed the focus of their committee and encouraged members interested in the topic areas to participate going forward. Kate will soon send out a survey by email to solicit indications of interest.

Committees 2021-2022

Policing and Criminal Justice – Alissa Goldwasser (

Gun Violence Prevention – Joan Bludeau Lavelle ( and Noreen Gayford (



Affordable Housing – Kristin Berg ( and Nan Parson


Voting and Elections - Pat Lofthouse ( and Chris Parson (



Human Rights and Discussion Group – Karen Banks-Lubicz ( (presented by Fran)


This committee is looking for a chairperson – reach out to Nan if interested in leading

Announcements (Nan)

  1. On October 5, a few of us attended the D207 meeting to support of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the high school. They are doing good work and need to have supporters be involved from the community. There will be ongoing monthly meetings.
  2. The Deputy Registrars will register voters at Maine East tomorrow and on Friday.
  3. The Affordable Housing Advocacy Group will meet October 7 at 7:00, virtually.
  4. On October 11th, Nan and Kristin are meeting with the new Director of Preservation and Development, Drew Awsumb.  They previously met with the new City Planner, Claudia Hampel, to discuss our support for increasing Affordable Housing.
  5. Nan and Kristin will present regarding Affordable Housing to the Palatine LWV on October 13th.
  6. Richard Rothstein will discuss The Color of Law, on October 13th, in collaboration with the Library.  Tune in.
  7. On Thursday, November 11th (This is a change of date.)—The Discussion group will join the Collective Resource Book Club to discuss Garbage Wars—details to follow.
  8. WTTW is still planning to film Nan as part of their series “First Hand”.
  9. Next General Meeting--November 3rd at 7:00.  Ann Kapustiak will present “How did Park Ridge Become Segregated?” and show her short documentary.

Chris mentioned that a previous speaker, Michael Rabbitt, is running for 15th congressional district in IL (part of Niles and Chicago). He is an advocate for affordable housing.

Meeting ended at 8:12pm

Notes submitted by Alissa Goldwasser and Nan Parson