Meeting Minutes ~ December 14, 2022

General Meeting

April 20, 2024

Action Ridge General Meeting December 14, 2022.  Meeting began at 7:10 pm. Nan welcomed attendees and Tara Dabney, Director of Development and Communication for the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago.

Membership Report- Kate Kerin

The Membership team met in November and are very happy to report that all current leaders will continue on in 2023.  They are still looking for a Secretary to organize a team to take minutes at meetings.  There are four members who will alternate taking minutes at general meetings.

Gun Violence Prevention Report- Members are urged to complete a witness slip to support House Bill 5855.  See recent Action Ridge emails for more information and a link to complete a witness slip.

Nan reminded members to send letters in support and attend the D64 Board meeting on 12/15.  See recent Action Ridge emails for more information

The Book Club will be meeting on 1/25/2023 to discuss, “My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Mending of our Bodies and Hearts" by Resmaa Menakem. 


Tara Dabney gave an excellent presentation about the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago.  Their goal is to reduce shootings and homicides by providing services in the following neighborhoods: Austin, West Garfield Park, Back of the Yards and Brighton Park.

They connect with communities and individuals by offering a variety of programs, including outreach and conflict management, case management, victim services, nonviolence training, and community organizing. They collaborate with local organizations, the Mayor’s office and police.   They also partner with Northwestern and the University of Chicago Crime Lab to evaluate their programs and ensure that their programs eliminate violence in the areas they serve.

Their guiding principle is that healing is possible when we support, uplift, and empower one another. By standing united to bring Dr. King’s vision of the Beloved Community to life, we can build a more peaceful and just Chicago for everyone.

They currently have a holiday toy drive and Action Ridge members generously contributed over 50 gifts.  We were invited to help wrap gifts on Friday December 16 at 819 N. Leamington St. Chicago starting at 10:00 AM.

For more information about their programs or to make a donation, go to their website:

Meeting concluded at 8:15 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kate Kerin