Minutes November 2018

General Meeting

April 20, 2024

ACTION RIDGE MINUTESThursday, November 8th, 7:00The Community Church, lower level100 Courtland Ave.Please check these sites to stay informed about Action Ridge initiatives:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1231483940233759/https://actionridgepr.com/Unfortunately, Kathleen Sances, CEO of G-PAC, the Gun Political Action Committee, had to cancel. The group decided to see if she can come in January.

  1. Nan handed out an article submitted to us by Mark Kleinschmit titled “What Explains U.S.Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer”. Please check this article out.  Cut and paste this link, for some reason it’s not hot.       https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/07/world/americas/mass-shootings-us-international.html?action=click&module=RelatedCoverage&pgtype=Article&region=Footer
  2. We moved on to a lively discussion about our past activities and told entertaining stories about our successes in GOTV (Getting Out the Vote).
  3. Reports of Action Ridge’s efforts to GOTV
  1. Kate Kerin read a list of Actions that Action Ridge has taken in the two years of our existence. We have:


  1. Another idea for Action Ridge to consider:

“Stand on Every Corner” – started in June 2018. A group in Mt. Prospect keeps vigil on busy street corners every Friday night, up to 18 people at times, by holding signs that support various causes. Each group can do as they choose.https://standoneverycorner.com/. Kate will investigate organizing an Action Ridge group to “Stand on Every Corner”, perhaps in the spring. 

  1. Discussion of ways in which we want to take action in the coming months.  
  2. We’ll take part in the Holiday Store at the Institute for Non Violence in December.
    • Bring new gifts, unwrapped, to Nan’s house at 422 Lake Ave. by December 6th. They will be delivered to the Institute of Non-Violence.  A list of needed items will be sent to the group soon.
  1. We decided to educate voters regarding local candidates in the April elections.
    • We could hold a Candidate’s Forum.
    • We’ll start organizing in January.
    • Green Drinks is inviting the candidates in February (3rd Tuesday)
  1. The Sunday Night Supper needs volunteers. Cindy Grau can provide a link to a signup sheet for volunteers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1231483940233759/
  1. D64 Committee Meeting – A committee formed by the president of the D64 School Board has decided to place SROs (School Resource Officers) in middle schools. To learn about this plan, Nan, Kristin, Kristen and others attended the meeting of the committee.
  1. Political signs can be dropped off at the Public Works building on Busse Highway through the week of November 9th. Let’s be green!

Next Meeting—December 13th—Jac Charlier, of Unity in Community, an organization that finds ways to promote racial equity, will speak to us. (He was unable to come in November.)Respectfully submitted by Arlene Levin and Nan Parson