April 30, 2024
The Park Ridge Community Health Commission is proposing that the City of Park Ridge adopt The Greenest Region, Compact 2 Resolution which wasassembled by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Environmental Committee (of which Tim Milburn is Park Ridge’s representative).The process starts with the City signing the Resolution to be a sustainable community. (Get a copy of the Resolution from the Commission, if you like.)This GRC2 provides a framework that then allows the City to plan for sustainability.Tim has spoken to the Mayor Maloney several times and he supports the GRC2 principles, but still needs Council and public support.Therefore,next Monday, September 18th, at 7:00,the CHC is presenting its ideas and its request that Park Ridge adopt the The Greenest Region Compact 2. If you are interested, you encourage you to join our numbers.Feel free to invite others.This process should provide a way to open a door through which sustainability ideas may be introduced, developed and deployed in Park Ridge. We all need to do our part. Our earth depends on it.