Illinois General Assembly Passes Gun Violence Policy ~ 6.17.21

June 20, 2021

Great news: today, June 17, 2021, the Illinois General Assembly passed policy to fight everyday gun violence and make Illinois safer for our children -- and it’s thanks to your hard work.

The phone calls, emails, texts, and personal contacts of our coalition of gun violence survivors, advocates, faith leaders, health care professionals and law enforcement officials made the difference. Now,

Because of you, there will be a background check on every single gun sale in Illinois.

Because of you, the communities most impacted by gun violence will receive critical investments in mental health programs.

Because of you, the Illinois State Police will be empowered to take guns from those who have had their FOID cards revoked.

Because of you, law enforcement will be able to more easily track illegal guns, and get them off the street.

The epidemic levels of gun violence in Illinois have been hurting particularly our children and communities of color. This year, children have been shot at a rate three times higher than last year.

The bipartisan support for this policy shows how united we can be when a cause is important enough.

Thank you for answering the call and telling lawmakers: Our One Job is to keep kids safe. Today, it’s a little easier.