Omnibus Bill on Criminal Justice

January 19, 2021

Thanks to all who called in regarding this bill.  Sometimes we
can celebrate.
YOU did it!

The Workers Center for Racial Justice celebrates today's passage of the landmark Omnibus Bill on Criminal
Justice championed by the IL Legislative Black Caucus
. This
momentous policy package takes crucial steps in advancing justice by enacting
targeted reforms to anti-Black systems of law enforcement and mass

This legislation was shaped by the instrumental role that members and
supporters like yourselves played in shaping and advancing this criminal
justice work.  Folks like you emailed elected officials, made phone calls,
sent text messages and even filled out witness slips to testify on the urgent
need for racial justice legislation.

Some key components of the bill are:

  • Police accountability language drafted by
    WCRJ which would outlaw the destruction of police conduct records, and
    prohibit unjust barriers to filing officer complaints, such as sworn
    affidavit requirements currently in practice in many police departments.
    Many people don't report incidents of misconduct because they fear
    retalliation after giving their names and contact information.
  • a provision to abolish Illinois's system
    of prison gerrymandering, ensuring more racially equitable federal funding
    and democratic representation in government
  • End the racialized practice of
    wealth-based pretrial incarceration in Illinois by ending the cash bail

Action Ridge makes a difference!!

In solidarity!   Nan and Liz